In the unfortunate event that an item comes back damaged or is lost and you want to change the user for that item, you can do this via our payment system.
We recommend that even if an item is lost/stolen, that you check the item back in as soon as you know so that the item does not continue to be listed as Due or Overdue.
These procedures assume that you have recorded a Replacement Cost (or "Historical Cost" aka the price you paid for the item). If not, you can skip Steps 2-4 and go straight to checking the item in. OU will need to know how much you plan to charge for the damage or item replacement:
- Log into your admin account (each staff member should have their own admin account)
- Go to Loans -> All Check Out and use the instant search box (upper right corner of the list) to find the user/item
- Click on the Item Name in the list to display the item information.
- Note the "Replacement Cost" (or Historical Cost) at the bottom of the page
- Click "Check In"
- On the Check In page do the following:
- In the "Summary" section next to "Additional Fees" select the fee type (Lost/Damaged/etc) and enter the replacement cost noted in step 4 above.
- Tab or click out of the fee box
- Process the payment as usual (recommended you connect your site to Stripe so you can just charge a credit/debit card in the cart)
- Click "Record Transasction"
If the item is not repairable and will be removed from inventory also do the following:
- Click on the item on the receipt/transaction
- Edit the item
- Give it the "Disabled" status (which will hide it from members and admins) and any other statuses you have set up (like Lost, Stolen, Damaged. etc.)
- Save the Item
In the future, we plan to have an option to mark an item as lost/damaged right at check in, which would bring up the "replacement cost" (that could be edited) and then mark the item as "Disabled" all from the check in.
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