You can quickly ensure you have the items you think you having using our Physical Inventory check/count workflow. This workflow lets you confirm you have the items you think you do. While this workflow goes much much faster with a barcode or RFID scanner, you can also enter or click to mark items as found. When you complete the check, you will have the option to assign one or more Statuses to all the items not found (e.g. missing, gone, lost). Note there is no "undo" when setting those statuses on potentially tens, hundreds, or thousands of items so be sure you really want all the items to be given that status.
Starting or continuing a Physical Inventory count
Super Admins can start a Physical Inventory count at:
Settings > Inventory > Physical Inventory
Or you can of course Continue an existing count.
Once you start the count, you can scan, enter, dump tends or hundreds of scans from a barcode scanner with memory, or check off all items found. myTurn already knows which items are (supposed to be) checked out or disabled and will not present those items (unless they are returned before the inventory session is completed).
You can enter or scan items one at a time, click the "mark" button or even search for items if the barcode/id is missing:
Mark multiple allows you to use a barcode scanner with "memory" to scan multiple items then dump/export them all using the Mark Multiple tool. This way you can more quickly scan tens, hundreds, or even thousands of items to mark them as being found in your inventory.
Once you have found all your items that are not currently checked out, you can:
- "Complete" the inventory check
- Optionally set Statuses to add to the items that were not found
- and Save/finalize your session
Physical Inventory Permissions
Super Admin: can start, mark items, and complete a Physical Inventory session
Inventory Admin: can mark items for locations they have the Inventory privelege
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