Your users can reserve items on your website. Be sure you have reservations enabled in the settings.
To create a reservation:
1. Ensure you are logged in
2. Browse or search the inventory on your public myTurn site
3. Click "Reserve" on an item:
3b. Or click on "Start Reservation" in the cart at the top of the page:
4. Select the dates for your reservation
5. Add additional items
6. Click on "Check Out" in the cart at the top
7. Adjust quantities of items needed. If too many are requested, the cart will adjust the value to the maximum available during that time period.
8. Leave any notes about the reseravtion
9. Click Submit Reservation
10. The "reservation email" address will be emailed that there is a new reservation.
As of December 2021, you can also specify Fulfillment Methods like Shipping and Delivery.
NOTE: if you are creating a reservation as a user with the "Loans" or Super User administrative privileges, you can override closed days, holidays, and overbook reservation time slots and appointments.
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