You can change a number of settings for your organization, write a description, upload a logo, and turn certain features on and off. Features include: email receipts for loans, automated loan reminders, membership types and more.
Settings -> Organization -> Edit Organization
myTurn Site Name: The name of our myTurn site. This will display on your myTurn site, in emails, receipts and more.
Organization Name: The official or legal name, if different from the myTurn site name.
Email: the main email for your organization. Used as a default when other email addresses are not set.
URL: The web address for your main site. If set, then your logo and links in the upper right on your public site will take your back to your site.
Description: a short description of your organization and what it offers via myTurn
Address & Hours: Please set your organization's address and hours. The country (and Language) setting will determine how currency, dates and numbers are formatted on the site.
Google Analytics ID: Enter your Google Analytics ID (e.g. UA-12345678-9) if you want to track the usage of your site. This requires a Google Universal Analytics ID.
Logo: Your logo. Should be at least 200px wide and will be resized if needed.
Favicon: Typically a small version of your logo used for browser bookmarks. Must be in .ico or png format.
Inventory Settings
Disabled: this is checked by default and means that visitors to your myTurn site will not be able to view your inventory. This will also disable automatic email reminders. This lets you upload or enter inventory and get your site ready before making it visible to visitors.
Membership type (request): the subscription or membership type that is assigned automatically when a new user signs up for access to your myTurn site. Defaults to (online signup) "request". This allows you to require users to sign papers, etc. before you promote them to a "full" membership/subscription type.
Default membership type (full): The default membership type when an admin creates a new user. You can edit and create membership in Settings -> Users (Customers/Members) -> Membership Types
Card On File: if your organization requires the member to have a credit card or deposit on file before checking out certain items, check off this box to display a warning on the check in.out page.
Send Account Email: If you want your customers or members to receive an email notice when their account is created, check this box, and also review and save. Then you must also click on “Edit New Account Email Template” and save that template. This is to ensure you’ve read the email template that will be going out to members before it is sent out.
Loan Reminders: you can configure the text, and when/if loan reminders are automatically sent out by clicking “Configure Loan Reminders” under “Settings -> Customers" in the left navigation. Loan reminders are currently only sent out before an item is due. Loan reminders can also be run manually (e.g. to send a message to everyone with overdue items.)
Public Inventory: By default, your inventory will be visible to visitors on the inventory browsing pages, whether or not they are logged in. Uncheck this item to make it so that only users logged into an account with a "full" membership can view your inventory.
Show Link to Self-Registration: By default, visitors can register for an account themselves. This saves time and data entry, however, some organizations may want to handle all account creation by hand (as part of an approval process). Uncheck this setting to hide the account creation links.
Reservations: Loan & Reservation options can be found at: Settings -> Loans & Reservations
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