If you have items that need to be checked, cleaned, sharpened, or otherwise maintained every time they are returned, you can have a maintenance plan applied to items on every check in.
You can either set the plan that is required after each check in by editing the item and scrolling to the bottom of the Loans tab:
Or you can also set the plan based on a type of items. For example, if you wanted all your electronics to have a maintenance plan run, you can use:
Settings > Inventory > Item Type Defaults
Select "Electronics" and "Continue". Then scroll down to "Maintenance Plan After Check In" and select the plan you want applied every time the item is returned and chnage "No plan required" to the plan you want run:
When the items are checked in, a warning will be displayed at the top of the Transaction Receipt:
And the item will show up as requiring maintenance on the
Inventory > Maintenance Due
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