When a member wants to borrow a item, the item should be checked out to that member.
To start a "cart" to check in / out a item for a member:
- Either:
- Search for or look up an item by "id" and click on "Check Out", or:
- Click on "Check In/Out" under Members and click "Start Cart"
- Once in the cart, you can see what items the user already has checked out, and you should receive warnings if the user has overdue items or if their membership has expired.
- You can check items in for the user
- Scan or select any of the items the user is returning
- If the user owes and pays late fees, enter how much they are actually paying in late fees.
- You can also "Renew" items which looks like a check in and check out, but will also mark the action as a renewal.
- When renewing, you can also change the due date as usual if you do not want to use the default
- You can add additional items to the users cart by id. Simply enter the id listed on the item into the "Add items by internal id:" and click "Add". You can add multiple items to the cart at once.
- Set the due date for all the items (or individual items)
- Enter any membership upgrade/renewal information
- Enter any Additional Fees (donation if nonprofit, damage/loss fee, etc.)
- Note that you can also take "Additional Fees" without doing a check in/out
- You can also set up "Fee Types" in the settings
- Set the payment method if it is not already selected
- Specify how much the user has paid (the exact amount due will be the default) and confirm the amount paid by clicking Enter (or hitting return)
- If they overpay you will be able to leave the extra "on account" or "give them change" when you click "record transaction"
- If they under pay, you can accrue the unpaid amount on their account and it will be listed when you view their account or go to check in/out items next time for that user.
- Click "Record Transaction".
You should receive a confirmation message and see a list of what items the user now has checked out. This list will include any items the user already had out, but
You can also check a item in by simply entering the id into the "Check in/out item id:" box. This will take you straight to a check in page where you can select the item or items to check in for that user.
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