At any point in the item type hierarchy, default values can be set for all items of that type and all sub-types. At any point in the hierarchy, you can override values for that item type. You can also override default values when editing an individual item. (See the note below about "unsetting" values to start using defaults.)
This allows for doing things like putting all saws in the "Carpentry and Woodworking" category without having to set that category on each saw. For a specialized saw, like a Bow Saw, you could override the category list to select just "Yard and Garden" if desired. You can even set images for default values, so you can set a "no image" photo for items you do not have images for (yet).
To set default values:
- In the admin, go to Settings -> Inventory -> Edit Item Default Values
- Select the Item Type you want to edit (this including "tools", "Hand Tools", "Power Tools" or a more specific type) or select "All Items" in the upper right
- Set the default values for that type similar to when adding/editing items.
- Click Save when you are done to save the values
Unsetting Values to Start Using Defaults
If you have already set values on your items individually, you have two options to reset them to use the default
1. Click the "Use Default" button next to each field when editing items:
2. Export and re-import your inventory using the magic value of:
to signify "use the default value" for an field on the item. There are instructions for this right on the Import page:
To override a default value for an item:
Click on the "Override" button next to the field that has a default value:
Unsetting default values
When using:
Settings > Inventory > Item Default Values
you can also unset defaults at any level, using the "Use Default" button next to each field, similarly to how it is done on individual items. This can be done for All Items, or specific Item Types.
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