myTurn has bar code scanner support for adding, checking out and checking in items, as well as, bring up a users account information. USB or Bluetooth barcode scanners can be used with laptops and mobile devices, bluetooth barcode scanners can be also be used with mobile devices (smartphones and tablets). These instructions also apply to RFID (chip) scanners that scan one item at a time.
Anywhere you can manually enter a User ID or Item ID you can instead scan a barcode that represents that ID.
When checking items in and out you can scan multiple items in a row with most USB and Bluetooth barcode scanners quickly and easily.
Using the default settings on most barcode scanners, click into the correct field before scanning, and scan the item. For example, when checking items out:
- From the Admin Dashboard, click in the Check In/Out Field
- Scan an barcode on an item
- Scan an ID card for a user (or find the user)
- Once the Check In/Out page loads, you can continue scanning items to check in or to check out.
The items should appear in the cart, with the most recently added item at the top of the list.
Similar workflows work for "Build Order" or manually starting a cart for a user.
While most standard/non proprietary barcode scanners will work with myTurn, some barcode scanners that have been confirmed to work well with myTurn can be found at:
For durable barcode labels or asset tags, we recommend using metalic labels, like the ones at:
For most items, we strongly suggest using pre-printed asset tags. Most laser printed labels do not offer the durability needed for most items.
Barcode Labels
You can purchase ranges of pre-printed barcode labels that match your Item IDs, or you can edit (or add) items and users as you barcode label them and change their Item ID to match the label. For example, when adding (or editing a user):
- Click or tap in the "User ID" field (also called Customer ID or Members ID)
- Scan the barcode on the users ID, member or library card barcode
- Save
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