Each item can also have multiple "statuses" such as On Site Use Only, Sold, For Sale, and/or Recycled. For each status, you can set both if the item can be checked out when having that status, and the visibility or “access level” required to see that item when browsing inventory.
You can setup your own set of statuses with rules about visibility and if those items are available for check out.
There is also a special "Disabled" status which acts similar to a "delete". These items will not show up for any users, including admins unless associated with a transaction. (Specifically, transactions with Disabled items will always display to admins and users on reports.)
To add a new item status:
- Go to Settings -> Inventory -> Status
- Click on the New Status button in the upper right
- Enter the Name of the Status (e.g. “For Sale”)
- Specify who can see items in that status:
- Everyone: this means everyone can see items in this status, even if they are not logged in
- Members: Only users who are logged in, and Admins can see items with this status
- Admins: Only Admins can see items with this status
- If items with this status should be able to be checked out, click on the checkbox.
- When you’re done, click “Save”
Editing an existing status:
- Under settings, click “Edit Statuses”
- Click “Edit” next to the Status you wish to Edit
- Follow the “add new status” instructions above starting at #3.
Adding a new “For Sale” status, where any visitor to the site can see the item in inventory, but you want to continue to be able to loan those items out to people that want to borrow them, but not buy them. You would use the following options:
- Name: For Sale
- Access Level: Everyone
- Allow Checkout: [checked]
Adding a new “Upcycled” status, where you only want Users to see the item, but you don’t want to allow it to be checked out. For example, this would allow you to show off projects your members have done with broken or out of service items:
- Name: Upcycled
- Access Level: Members
- Allow Checkout: [un-checked]
In the previous example, if you didn't want the Upcycled item to be displayed to users (or if the item was sold or lost) you can also set the Disabled status which will hide the item from users (always) and admins (by default).
Settings a Status
You can either set one or multiple statuses when editing an item or after the item is checked in right on the transaction receipt:
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